Sunday, December 29, 2013

Rust Adventure Journal: Day 1

Blinded by the light I awoke and found the whole world had changed, what was once a living breathing organism is now a desolate, barren wasteland. I was lucky enough to find a torch and some bandages next to me as well as a sharp enough rock to use as a makeshift tool.
I found myself near a road that stretches for what looks like miles in both directions and I had to decide which way to travel. I thought of my friends and trying to get my bearings so that I might find them. I know the sun rises in the East and sets in the West and the sun looked as if it was setting. I decided to try and find my friends who used to live out on the West side of town, but God only knows if I will be able to find them.
After several hours of traveling the road I started to feel hungry, luckily there was a pig near the road and I did what needed to be done. This is the first time I had to kill for my own food, I felt sick, the work is messy and I realized I need to fashion myself some sort of tool using the sharpened rock. Skinning the pig I found several chicken breasts along with some cloth, relying on knowledge that must have been passed down through the ages, my primal side takes over and there I was crafting a hatchet I feel accomplished.
I built a sorry excuse for a camp and I lit a fire so that I could cook the raw chicken that the pig for some reason had. I sat with my hatchet by my side as I stoked the fire and allowed the food to cook. Devouring my food I decided it best to wait for day and watch the sunrise. I heard footsteps and before I could do anything a voice called out, "leave what's cooking and we'll let you live!" startled and struck with a fear I have never known, my heart beat hard in my chest, fear took over and I felt ashamed I let what was mine go and I didn't even fight for it.
I made my way by the light of the moon further down the road and in the distance and saw a town with a giant, dormant smoke stack. I am drawn toward it, it gives me hope modicum of civilization remains and that we will make it through whatever it is has taken our way of life. I continued my walk along the road and I heard screams of agony and moaning. I figured this was ground zero and I ran toward it trying to see if I could help, what I saw next will stay with me for the rest of my life.
I saw a man stuck between life and death who couldn't decide whether he was staying or going. He and I locked eyes and his face contorted with rage as he let out a primal shout and started to run at me arms flailing.
Back-peddling and almost falling over, I found my feet and ran as fast as I could and as I did I heard a whiz and then a splat as an arrow struck the man down his decision made for him, he was going and the arrow was going to take him there. A hooded man emerged from the shadows into the light of the breaking dawn and introduced himself.
"My name is Pnutz," he said.
"I'm Lancernemo," I replied.
"You better watch yourself out here, you know how to--"
"Friendly?" a new voice interrupted.
"Friendly," Pnutz said
"Good," said the voice and a man with a rock much like my own started to beat Pnutz, all the while Pnutz screamed friendly. Pnutz tried to loose three arrows and none found their mark, with his dying breath he told me to run. So I did...