Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Ultra Violence on Wii

I am, one would say, late to the party on a lot of video game issues. I have been itching to play Madworld, I am a student however, and therefore have no real money for gaming, what with tuition and all. What I do have, is enough money for a Gamefly subscription, so I played through a couple of games, and then Madworld arrived.

I will say, I played the game for a mere 2 hours before turning it off in sheer and utter boredom. There are so many things wrong with this game. The combat is repetitive. It consists of limiting an enemies arm movement jabbing something into said enemies face and then throwing that enemy into spikes. This sounds as if it would be something poised for greatness, it turns out that doing the same thing over and over with poor controls isn't that fun after all.

I am not trying to review the game, what I want to bring up is that recently analysts said ultra violence on Wii and DS wont sell well. My response: How wrong you might be. I feel ultra violence could sell well on Wii or DS, but how often is it said of Wii games that it's controls are awful. Who can make good Nintendo Wii games? I'll tell you, Nintendo. They know how to make their controller work properly as well they should.

What needs to happen, is that there needs to be someone who understands what good controls on games are, and step up and take a risk with a Mature themed game. "Oh Nigel they can't do that, it would be suicide." I say that taking risks is what is going to push this medium forward.

At any rate, make a better game and you will see that ultra violence will sell just fine on Wii just like everything else.

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