Sunday, October 11, 2009

Why I no longer finish games

I have discovered that as of just recently I do not finish, nor do I intend to finish some of the games I buy or rent. I will take a more specific approach and say that I will probably never again finish a J-RPG or almost any other RPG for that matter. I bought Fallout and I borrowed Oblivion and both games got only a couple hours out of me before I lost interest. I played the first disc of Lost Odyssey before sending it back to gamefly.
I have been wondering what it is about this particular genre of games that has kept me away. I thought it might be the length only to realize that that was only a part of the problem. I also realized that I am no longer able to sit and grind out levels until I can beat a boss. I find it to be an archaic formula for games. That is not to say that I want to be able to breeze through a game, but I find that spending countless hours trying to bust a couple levels just to beat a boss is a stupid way of doing things...J-RPGs are the biggest offender in this category.
Oh western RPGs aren't far off. I am tired of being the biggest baddest dude and people not responding accordingly. In J-RPGs at least they never really make any aesthetic changes to your character. When you get the best armor and a sword that spews all types of elements from the very bowels of hell I expect people to run for their lives not greet me and tell me to get their dogs out of trees.
Then we have games with awesome mechanics that are poorly executed. EA's "Mirrors Edge" is a perfect example. I really liked what was going on in that game and the story and ALMOST everything...The controls and the ambiguous way points made for an awful experience that I chose to stop after getting halfway through.
I almost like going back to formulaic Koei's Samurai and Dynasty Warriors games. There is some comfort in those games, perhaps due to my nostalgia I have associated with those games.
I guess what I am trying to say in my very long winded way is that what game developers should be looking at is to try and make a well balanced game...."Well duh Nigel don't you think they think that...?"
And my answer to you is no...I don't think they are thinking that, at least not at all times of the creation processes. I mean we can take a look at "Mirrors Edge" again. It feels as though the developers were constantly pushing having a game that looks fantastic and a game where the concept of free running really felt like you were free running...however, they seemed to forget that this was not a free running sim, but a game that had more aspects to it, and somewhere along the way the combat got messed up and the way point system never got finished. If the developers get another chance to make this game, which I feel they should, I suggest rounding out the game to have something more than just the BEST of one thing... and this goes to the rest of the developers.
Whatever take this for what you will but let's try and focusing on making our games well rounded and not just the best in one category.

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