Monday, December 15, 2008

The Death of Arcades

I have really been nostalgic lately and thought of all the good old days when you could go to a mall with a twenty dollar bill and have a great time at an arcade, or better yet when you had a decent nickle arcade in your area. What happened? Why the decline in good arcade games?

I understand that now we have powerful consoles at home and the ability to play online. I do miss however the sense of seeing jaws drop when you finish that combo in a game like Tekken 3, or beating the Simpsons Arcade Game with a single quarter.

Online play is the death of arcades and it is a sad day. The security of remaining a faceless voice by which you can annoy the masses with whatever god awful noise you feel like producing at the time.

That's another reasons why we need arcades. So that those people who are just there to annoy get regulated upon. One they lose money and two no one really takes crap from other people when your precious quarters are at stake.

Bring back arcades. Seriously

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