Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Gaming in HD

So I started gaming in HD finally due to an incredible deal at Best Buy. I would like to take a minute to write about how big of a difference this has made and the life changing effects I have been through in the past week.

Gaming in HD has rekindled my love for games. I am no able to game with those fancy next-gen graphics that I have been hearing about forever.

I am able to read text in games now. I didn't even realize how bad this is. Don't ruin your eyesight...game in HD

Gaming in HD is something that all gamers should experience. I realize however, that we all can't afford a new TV as they are expensive, but if you can find a great deal and afford to give out the money...do it, it will change your life.

I got myself a Samsung 32-inch LCD and I am in love. I will say this however, I am now contemplating picking up a PS3 so that I can get a blu-ray player.

Gah! Decisions

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