Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Rant 2

What's wrong with enjoying games? I ask not rhetorically but in earnest expecting an answer.

I am a really big nerd. So much so that I make references to things and just get a look of disgust at how nerdy something I said was. The reason I ask the question is why is me beating Chrono Trigger more nerdy than knowing the entire '98 Padres roster?

I think nerds, and I say that in the best meaning of the word, get a bad rap. What makes my hobby inferior to anyone elses? Why should we get cartons of milk thrown at us for liking dragons?

As far as the other side of the story goes. I also am a rare breed of nerd. A nerd that knows how to socially interact with all people not just people who have the same likes as me. We as nerds need to band together to show the world that we are normal. Cut the non conformist crap and just act regular. No need to wear a cape outside. No massive spikes to a dance.

I guess what I am really asking is why can't everyone get along. It seems so easy, yet people make it a lot more difficult than it needs to be. The general public have started to accept gamers in a larger number now as they have become more and more saturated with games and have found for the most part that a lot of them are okay.

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